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PublicationsPublications about TEITOKArrabal Rodríguez, P. 2022. TEITOK, a visual solution for XML/TEI encoding: editing, annotating and hosting linguistic corpora. RIDE – A review journal for digital editions and resources
Janssen, M. 2021. A Corpus with Wavesurfer and TEI: Speech and Video in TEITOK. International Conference on Text, Speech, and Dialogue. LNAI 12848: 261–268
Janssen, M. 2021. Integrating TEITOK and Kontext/PMLTQ at LINDAT. Selected papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2020. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings 180: 180 104–110.104
Janssen, M. 2018. TEITOK as a tool for Dependency Grammar. In: Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, vol. 61. Janssen, M. 2018. Adding Words to Manuscripts: From PagesXML to TEITOK. In: Méndez E., Crestani F., Ribeiro C., David G., Lopes J. (eds) Digital Libraries for Open Knowledge. TPDL 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11057. Springer, Cham. Janssen, M. and Vaamonde, G. 2017. From traditional historical corpora to TEI-based corpora. Benefits and challenges in joining digital edition and corpus annotation. In: Calen barbas, falen cartas. A escrita en galego na Idade Moderna. Santiago de Compostela. Janssen, M. 2016. TEITOK: Text-Faithful Annotated Corpora. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portorož, Slovenia. Janssen, M. 2015. Multi-level manuscript transcription: TEITOK. Congresso de Humanidades Digitais em Portugal, Lisboa. Portugal
Publications from projects using TEITOKJanssen, M., 2021. UDWiki: guided creation and exploitation of UD treebanks. Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW, SyntaxFest 2021), pp.84–95. Hladka, B., Kopp, M, and Straňák, P., 2020. Compiling Czech Parliamentary Stenographic Protocols into a Corpus. Proceedings of the Second ParlaCLARIN Workshop, pp.18-22. Quintana, A., 2020. CoDiAJe–the Annotated Diachronic Corpus of Judeo-spanish. Scriptum digital. Revista de corpus diacrònics i edició digital en Llengües iberoromàniques, (9), pp.209-236. Nives M. P., 2020. Error-Tagging of CroLTeC (Electronic Learner Corpus of Croatian as a Foreign Language). Kaczmarska, E., & Zasina, A. J. (2020). Błędy walencyjne w tekstach obcokrajowców uczących się języka polskiego w świetle korpusu PoLKo. Prace Filologiczne, (75/1), 197–213. Arrabal Rodríguez, P. (2020). Edición de un corpus digital de inventarios de bienes. SEPLN, (65) Ruzaitė, J., Dereskeviciute, S., Kavaliauskaitė-Vilkinienė, V., & Krivickaitė-Leišienė, E. 2020. Error Tagging in the Lithuanian Learner Corpus. Human language technologies - the Baltic perspective: proceedings of the 9th international conference, Kaunas, Lithuania Puddu, Nicoletta & Talamo, Luigi. 2020. EModSar: A Corpus of Early Modern Sardinian Texts. Proceedings of AIUCD 2020, Milan, Italy. Calderón, M. 2019. La edición de corpus históricos en la plataforma TEITOK. El caso de Oralia diacrónica del español (ODE). CHIMERA. Romance Corpora and Linguistic Studies 6:21-36. Magro, C. and Vaamonde, G. 2019. Atlas sintático do português europeu: um recurso en construção. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina, 8, 1, 249-275. Melo, D. M.. 2019. Enriquecimento de Corpus de PEAPLP2- Timor: recolha, transcrição e disponibilização de dados. UC Master Thesis. del Rio, I., and Mendes, A. 2019. Error annotation in the COPLE2 corpus. Revista Da Associação Portuguesa De Linguística, (4), 225-239. Janssen, M., Ausensi, J. and Fontana, J.M. 2017. Improving POS Tagging in Old Spanish Using TEITOK. Proceedings of the NoDaLiDa 2017 Workshop on Processing Historical Language, Götenborg, Sweden. Kuhn, T., Ferreira, J. P., Janssen, M, Kosem, I and Correia, M. 2017. Dealing with multiple orthographic standards within a single corpus: the case of Portuguese in the CoPEP corpus. Journées Internationales de la Linguistique de Corpus, Grenoble, France. Znotiņa, I. 2017. Computer-aided error analysis for researching Baltic interlanguage In: Rural environment. Education. personality. del Río, I, Antunes, S., Mendes, A. & Janssen, M. 2016. Towards error annotation in a learner corpus of Portuguese. 5th NLP4CALL and 1st NLP4LA workshop in Sixth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC). Umeå University, Sweden. Mendes, A., Antunes, S., Janssen, M. and Gonçalves, A. 2015. The COPLE2 corpus: a learner corpus for Portuguese. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portoroz, Slovenia. Alves, I, Costa, P, Gomes, M. and Rodrigues, C. 2015. EFFE-On – Corpus Online de Escrita e Fala. Saber & Educar, Lisbon, Portugal. Vaamonde, A. 2015. P. S. Post Scriptum. Dos corpus diacrónicos de escritura cotidiana, Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 55: 57-64 |